



今年四月,美国知名建筑评论人、策展人Michael Webb来访中国,并拜访了OPEN建筑事务所办公室,与OPEN创始合伙人李虎进行了一次深度对话。李虎在采访中讲述了自己在建筑实践上的感悟,OPEN近年来的重要作品,以及对于地球、城市、与建筑的未来的看法。以下为访谈节选。




01 维持“两支足球队”的理想规模

Michael Webb:开始自己的建筑事业之前,你在斯蒂文·霍尔事务所工作了十年。能介绍一下你曾经参与过的项目吗?

Michael Webb: You were working for Steven Holl for ten years before you set up OPEN Architecture. Could you just mention a few of the projects that you worked on with Steven?


Li Hu: I worked with Steven from 2000 to 2010. I became the partner at the firm in the second half five years. We worked on too many projects, many many competitions in the begin years. I remember I worked on five competitions the first year. At the same time, we worked on some of the projects that ran over the years like The Nelson-Atkins, the School of Art at Iowa University, Swiss embassy. These are the projects that I was more heavily engaged.

堪萨斯城纳尔逊·阿特金斯艺术博物馆 ©Andy Ryan



Since 2003, we started to pick out the work and had the opportunity (from the invitation of Isozaki) to work on the project in Nanjing (Sifang Art Museum). At the same time, (we) began the project Linked Hybrid in Beijing. And then later, I moved to China. When Linked Hybrid started construction, it was the time I realized we need a presence here because the travel was killing me anyway. That shuttle bus back and forth, like space shuttle (laughter). So I said, Steven, we got to set up something. So I moved back to Beijing in 2006. And then we started two more very large-scale projects: the Vanke Center and the Horizontal Skyscraper. The last one that we worked on together would be the Raffles City in Chengdu. And at the end of 2010, we were just happily departed.

深圳万科中心 ©Steven Holl Architects 摄影/舒赫 

Michael Webb:参与这些高水平的建筑项目真是令人难以置信的经历。当你刚开始自己的事业时,项目规模是不是非常小?

Michael Webb: That was an incredible experience. You’ve worked on some of the best buildings I know. So when you set up your own practice, was it quite small to begin with?

李虎:是的,和多数创业者一样,我们从赢得竞赛开始起步。最初只有几个人,后来以10个人的规模持续了一段时间。斯蒂文总是说,理想的事务所规模应该是一支足球队,你是教练, 带领10-12个顶级的队员。


Li Hu: Yes, as always. We began by winning a competition, that's the Garden's school. So we were small, few people, and later we were 10 people for a while. Steven always says you know the ideal office size is a football team. Right? Like you are the coach. Now I work with my wife, so we grow into two football teams, but it's still an ideal size. I think the point is about what to keep with that ideal size.

OPEN建筑事务所创始合伙人 李虎 & 黄文菁


02 为文化空间注入公众归属感

Michael Webb:我很好奇你如何经营小规模的团队。我知道一些非常有创意的建筑事务所里的人数很少,整个团队所有成员都拿出他们的最佳状态来工作,而且可以亲自参与所有的项目。


Michael Webb: It is interesting how much you can do with small offices. Some of the most creative architects I know still have very small numbers of people. Yet clearly they bring out the very best of all the people of the team members, and you can have personal involvement in all of the projects. (Li: Absolutely). And you've done an extraordinary diversity of projects. I'd like you to talk about a few of them. The tanks in Shanghai, very imaginative, adaptive reuse project to an industrial facility. What was your vision for these when you first approached them?

上海油罐艺术中心 ©OPEN建筑事务所 摄影/吴清山



Li Hu: Tank Shanghai is a very challenging and special mission to take. There are some topics that we have been consistently researching into and fascinated with while working here. First, I love nature. And the environmental crisis deeply troubles me. So that is a topic always threading through all of our projects, big, small, a wide diversity of works.

The other topic that we've been focusing, working on in lots of cultural projects, is trying to find out how does the image of a public cultural institution or organization can be reinvented to work better with the society in order to be more influential, more effective. What kind of new cultural facility do we need today? We can't just simply copy, take from the past. Something has to be reinvented.

改造前现场图 ©OPEN建筑事务所

改造后现场图 ©OPEN建筑事务所



So Tank provides that almost perfect opportunity. We turned the old industrial site into a park, using nature to transform the site, and by doing that, you naturally establish a different kind of connection with the city.

Unlike the more famous things we know, like the Louvre, Guggenheim, MoMA, and Tate Modern, that I'm sure having their own financial mechanism to support the operation. In China, this is not quite happening. 

上海油罐艺术中心 ©OPEN建筑事务所 摄影/吴清山



This explains why we've been trying to introduce a different kind of programming and to fill that gap through design. In this way, you could create a more balanced program, not just art.

First, space has to be flexible enough to take on something unconventional. And secondly, we tried to inject, introduce a profit-making space like restaurants, shops, that trying to help to balance that non-profit nature, which is also the initial mission of an art institution.  



To conclude, those are the two dimensions we took on to reinvent a public cultural institution through design. For that reason, I do think we are lucky as architects (of course you have to fight for that) to get the kind of freedom and possibility in that phase of the project, not just accept what was given or asked to do.


03 消隐于沙丘之下的生态庇护所

Michael Webb:我认为油罐艺术中心的一个吸引点在于,它是具有巨大潜力进行重新组织的工业空间。另外一个项目沙丘美术馆,以独特的方式建造出面向天空和大海的开阔场域,犹如一个天然洞穴。


Michael Webb: One thing that I think fascinating is, going from the Tanks which are industrial spaces that have huge potential for reconfiguration inside, utilizing in very different ways, to museums like the Dune Museum which is opened to the sky and the sea. It really does feel where you've created the space is always like a natural cave. And I'd love you to talk about the way that you go from finding a space to creating a space, and as it were, create a different bond with nature.

UCCA沙丘美术馆 ©OPEN建筑事务所 摄影/吴清山



Li Hu: Sure. Now the Dune is just the opposite of a tank in a way that we began with nothing. And it's the opposite nature of the site as well, that you're all in the middle of nowhere right under the sand beach. But at the Dune, we did have the freedom to choose a site around that area of the natural beach. That we discovered something special (which) was the Dune. That Dune as we discovered much later, almost at the end of the project, is luckily one of the few remaining undestroyed dunes. 



Li Hu: Dune in many other countries is part of natural preservation. You can't destroy. But dune in China is not preserved. People never quite understand what dune is for. People do not really understand the important ecological function of the dune - to protect the very vulnerable ocean ecology. But I find in an instinct that if we were going to do a little museum, a little art space, I don't want to do something just sit there on the beach. It has to belong there, and we need to find a deep connection to the site. You know it's like bonding with the site. It belongs to (the site and) you can't move somewhere else. So I immediately thought about doing something in the dune.

UCCA沙丘美术馆 ©OPEN建筑事务所 摄影/吴清山

Michael Webb:而且你创建的这个建筑物,包含三到四个自然元素的声学容器,并成为景观中不可或缺的一部分。因此,它实际上融进了地景中。


Michael Webb: And you created a building that incorporates three or four natural elements as sounding modifier, and made it an integral part of the landscape. So it is actually being part of the integral part of it. 

And you've gone even further in a project that is not completed now, the Chapel of Sound. That to me is fascinating as the example of architecture in a really wild natural landscape.

山谷音乐厅 效果图 ©OPEN建筑事务所


04 在“原始洞穴”中聆听天籁之音



Li Hu: Yes. these are not rural conditions but completely natural sites. And for us as architects (who) mostly work in the city, this offered a rare opportunity to do something as the Chapel of sound. The client asked us to design a space for music performance which is also, as a part of the mission calling for, an outdoor theater because the scenes are not always used. If you do an indoor theater, it will be very expensive to maintain. So it is a very smart program.

山谷音乐厅 效果图 ©OPEN建筑事务所



I remember when I was in school at Rice, in one of the seminars, I started reading Marshall McLuhan’s book the medium is the Message. There was one thing that I still remember today, that McLuhan mentioned visual space and acoustic space, and that fascinated me. If from Renaissance we’ve been all the time working with visuals, perspectives, what kind of sound shapes space? So, the Chapel of sound is really experiments. That is a space created for sound, for different kind of behaviors of sound. How is sound reflected, reverberated, and converted? 


At the very beginning of the project, we looked for inspirations from all the sound devices, instrument, music instruments, what the music instrument looks like inside, for example, the inside structure of the violin and the structure of an ear. Of course, not to mention things in nature like seashells. So there is always something about the sound. So in the Chapel of Sound, the experiment is working with invisible things. That is sound.

山谷音乐厅 效果图 ©OPEN建筑事务所

Michael Webb:你用粗糙的混凝土材料创造了一个像天然岩石的建筑结构,并创造了一个人造洞穴可供进行表演。而且我设想有自然的声音进入,如鸟儿或风的声音。所以它是人造和自然的融合。这个项目比沙丘美术馆还要更进一步,在这个除了一个小村庄没有任何人类痕迹的纯粹的野外场地,更加与自然融为一体。

Michael Webb: And you created a building or structure that looks like a natural rock with very rough concrete and in a way created a man-made cave, within which performances can take place. And I assume there are natural sounds coming in, sounds of birds, sounds of the wind. So it's a fusion of man-made and natural. And it takes even the stage further than building itself you really are totally in harmony with nature, in the middle of a wild mountainous landscape with a village close by, otherwise no human habitation.


This is a fascinating departure from the fact that you are the child of the big city as you've done many of your most important works in big cities and you have a fascination with urban planning. So it's a departure which perhaps complements what you are doing in the city, you know your contact with nature can then be imported and incorporated into your urban designs, such as the urban design in Shenzhen.



Li Hu: You know I grew up in the cities. I'm not believed for such a big populous country, city host the hope for the future. The reason for that is I love nature. The reason I love city, and in the city, I want to build a better city is to protect nature. It will be a disaster if we start to sprawl, and that is happening. Why we sprawl? Because we can't deal with the cities. When you can't deal with a city when the city doesn't make people happy, people look for other places but what it ends up doing is create more problematic and unhappy cities. 

山谷音乐厅 效果图 ©OPEN建筑事务所


In the way, it is in no conflict working better cities about protecting natures and working in nature, it's also about working towards better humanities. Like in the chapel of sound is a chapel. We were asked to do a concert. I make it into a chapel.

Michael Webb:谈到教堂,你是指可以冥想祷告的空间吗?

Michael Webb: And by 'chapel', are you thinking of a space where you meditate?



Li Hu: It's not religious. But it's spiritual because when I think of music, where the music happens in the very early stage, it is always related to spiritual space, as happened in the West. It happens in the chapels, in the cathedrals, even in the East, it happens in the temples. So there is a spiritual connection. 

So I'm always looking for that something eternal, or something classic, something timeless. And the reason I believe in cities and also the drive for us focusing on the cultural projects is trying to create some kind of timelessness. You know I want to work on the project that lasts, that hosts space for use by people.


05 打破传统学校的形态

Michael Webb:人类需要空间,而且需要绿色空间。我的意思是,这是一个非常基于人类天性的事情,如果没有它,我们会感到被困于幽闭恐惧症。


Michael Webb: People need space and they need green space. I mean it's a very organic thing that without it people feel trapped, claustrophobic, and stifled. And you have applied that thinking to a school in the north of Beijing where green roofs are a visible part of the school and it is open in a build-up area. So talk about how you make greenspace a part of an urban building, and make it something where it is both natural and man-made in the same complex.

北京四中房山校区 ©OPEN建筑事务所 摄影/夏至 



Li Hu: We want to create a kind of freedom, to bring a closer connection for us with nature, for our kids to nature. Of course, we're talking about urban schools. If you're working on a school in nature that's not going to be an issue. What is interesting, when the garden was built and they look at how the surrounding site lays out, this almost become the only piece of green space left. And what we created on the roof is not just a garden, it’s a farm. And what's interesting, the school actually practices farming. The truth is the students are engaged and being part of that. That's like an extra curriculum.

屋顶田园麦收体验 ©北京四中房山校区



They (students) see how things change. You know what's interesting about nature, is nature is different every moment, they're always growing, you see different seasons, you see how that (wheats) become the food in the kitchen downstairs. This is a cycle. Nature is not just for looking. Many architects are using nature always as a decoration, a skin job. But for us, it is really more about establishing its relationship with us.

北京四中房山校区 ©OPEN建筑事务所 摄影/夏至

Michael Webb:正如你所言,项目的开放性使其更具可持续性的价值。

Michael Webb: For having the openness that you just described makes it more sustainable.


Li Hu: Definitely in many ways. Yes. In the Garden School, we had the geothermal underneath the sports field. This is the geothermal wells that support all the main air-conditioning in the public space. In the dune as well. The dune has geothermal. That's why you see no cooling towers. It is very energy-efficient.

Michael Webb:因为即使在建筑物内部,实际上也是受气候控制的,所以需要恒温来保护艺术品。

Michael Webb: Because even in the buildings is actually climate controlled, you need that for protecting the art.

北京四中房山校区 ©OPEN建筑事务所 摄影/夏至 


Li Hu: I mean yes, of course, the gallery is a temperature and humidity consistent space. Normally in the large mechanical space, there will be big cooling towers. But we want to build something to protect nature that is not just in a way you bury something and the sand protect the dune. We don't want to consume more energy than it needs to be.


06 热切参与城市议题的建筑师

Michael Webb:如果你正在为建筑与自然的融合创建一个示范,你是否认为其他中国项目的建造会意识到与自然融合的意义并加以实践?

Michael Webb: Now you've got foreign architects FOSTER + PARTNERS who are very conscious of energy conservation. In fact, I think he’s set up a very good example of sustainable buildings. And the state institutes are also becoming more aware of this and becoming more enlightened and aggressive in their work.



Li Hu: I think architecture in China is still in the early stage of developments. So people are working in all different directions, all different interests because your architecture is who you are. I'm sure there are people interested in working towards a more sustainable future. But you see all sorts of practice. 

Because of the way we receive the information, you see all different role models and you pick whatever you are interested in. But I do hope more architects in China would focus on some more urgent agendas, the environmental, the social.

Michael Webb:目前也有一些外国建筑师,比如福斯特建筑事务所,非常注重建筑的节能性。事实上福斯特本人已经做出了一些我认为是可持续建筑的很好范例。此外,中国的政府机构也越来越意识到这一点,并在工作中变得更加开明和积极。

Michael Webb: Now you've got foreign architects like FOSTER + PARTNERS who are very conscious of energy conservation. In fact, I think he’s set up a very good example of sustainable buildings. And the state institutes are also becoming more aware of this and becoming more enlightened and aggressive in their work.



Li Hu: I think more or less that is the direction of the movement. Also, China is very aggressive in terms of setting up code requirements, almost implemented as a law in a way, for the energy issues. However, I do think eventually you can't really achieve sustainability through just regulations. And I think ‘what is as sustainable building’ needs to be reconsidered today. For instance, if we can do public education for the public to understand that, if we expand our tolerance of temperature up and down two, three degrees, that enormous saving can be achieved. So it's not just about using better air conditioning, all that expensive ways, to make things efficient.

城市议题构想草图 ©OPEN建筑事务所


I think in many parts of the world, everywhere, we need to reconsider how to do a real system of it (sustainability). I was in Brazil over the winter and that was their summer. I see many buildings there in the 60s with no air condition. but they're just comfortable inside. Comfortable enough to not use any AC. and that is lost today.

Michael Webb:政府引入的关于可持续性的法规将应用于这个庞大国家的每个地区,但因为北方和南方的气候是如此根本不同,可能近乎于不同大洲之间的气候差别。


Michael Webb: The regulations that the government introduced about sustainability applied to every region of this huge country because the climate in the north on the planet and the south is so radically different that might as be on different continents. And what applies in Yunnan is not going to apply equally in Mongolia. There are lot of regional variations, and local authorities and provincial governments are also becoming more involved and taking a more proactive view.

城市议题构想草图 ©OPEN建筑事务所


Li Hu: I believe so in different ways. Some cities are better than others. You know some cities like Shanghai have very strict regulations, and far more advanced control of things. For some places, like if you work in a rural area, there's absolutely no regulation, so it is designed by the architects. But at the same time, they don't use much energy either.


 It's a complex issue. I think we can't simply take the lead, for instance, the American standard to apply to anywhere. You always have to use your wisdom through design not simply through technology. But anyways we do in many cases, we do try very hard to convince our clients to move away from the short vision, to take a long vision, for instance, to do geothermal. That takes some efforts. but we succeeded in many cases and in the long term you get the return from the saving.

Michael Webb:这是说服客户预先花费一笔钱,但在长期获得更多收益。如果你尝试和合作过的许多客户都这样做,你觉得成功的机率高吗?

Michael Webb: It's a matter of persuading the client to pay the money upfront. The benefit, in the long run, rather than in the next year. have you succeeded, if you feel in doing that, with many of the clients that you worked with?


Li Hu: we succeeded in the Garden School, the Dune. We succeeded in the theater in Shenzhen to do that beautiful shading outside. Sometimes lucky sometimes not so lucky. But we try very hard in different ways. Just try to do as much as possible.

深圳坪山演艺中心 ©OPEN建筑事务所 摄影/张超


The energy issue in China has a larger impact than America as well as other countries. What we do here can have a big influence in the world. The climate issue is global and the no single countries can be just better off alone.


07 对全球环境问题抱持审慎的乐观

Michael Webb:最近有一个关于格陵兰岛融化的报道。海平面将上升7米,世界上一半的城市都会在水下。这可能就在某一天发生。

Michael Webb: There is a story of the day of the melting of Greenland. It will cause the ocean level to rise by seven metres. That is half the world's cities underwater. it's real. and it could happen in a day.


Li Hu: It's real and at the same time we're still turning on the air conditioning, super cold in the summer. It is ridiculous.

格陵兰岛地理位置示意 ©Google Maps 

格陵兰岛融冰程度监测 ©CNN

Michael Webb:最后一个问题:鉴于中国与美国不同,有一个非常强大的中央政府。你是否乐观地认为中国可以成为制定气候变化应急计划的全球领导者?

Michael Webb: And last question: given that China is a country that is very much directed from the strong central government, unlike America which is widely dispersed. Are you optimistic that China can be a global leader in terms of a crash program to combat climate change?


Li Hu: I do believe China has the best hope in doing so because it's a strong central government and has a better hope. What will happen in the end depends on what they do. But I can see the efforts being implemented. For instance, Beijing's pollution is getting certainly better from just the last three years, I can see the change. I like to remain hopeful. but we're going to do everything we can on all individual levels, on every building we do. Educating our kids, and our kids understand better.

Michael Webb:这似乎是一个非常有希望的结语。非常感谢你。

Michael Webb: That seems like a hopeful note to end on. Thank you very much.


Li Hu: You are welcome. 

采访 Interview

策划 周三霞

翻译 李旸  编辑 Juan  视效 严诚


